Yolo-Solano AQMD Issues Air Quality Warning
This Air Quality Warning is in effect through 9 a.m. August 31,2023. Yolo-Solano AQMD will issue an update as additional information becomes available.
(DAVIS, CA) – Today, Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District (YSAQMD) and the Yolo County Health and Human Services Agency are issuing an Air Quality Warning for Yolo and northeastern Solano County to notify residents of air quality conditions in the District. Smoke from multiple wildfires actively burning in northern California and Oregon are impacting air quality through the region. Current air quality levels are UNHEALTHY in many parts of the District, including the cities of Davis, Dixon, Winters and Woodland.
With winds expected to continue through the day from the North, levels of smoke and particles are expected to remain a concern for air quality of residents. If you see or smell smoke in the air, you are breathing it. Everyone should take precautions to limit their exposure to smoke and soot, especially children, older adults, pregnant women and people who have heart or lung issue.
“When the air quality is at unhealthy levels, avoid physical exertion outdoors,” said Yolo County’s Health Officer Dr. Aimee Sisson. “Stay inside with the doors and windows shut, while running your air conditioner and a portable HEPA filter if you have one. If you have to go outside, wear a high-quality mask that fits your face well, like an N95, KN95, or KF94, and keep your time outside short.”
To reduce your exposure to wildfire smoke:
- Check air quality at fire.airnow.gov
- Stay indoors with windows and doors closed
- Limit or stop outdoor activity, especially exercise
- Do not run fans that bring smoky air inside – swamp cooler, whole house fan
- Run your air conditioner. If available, use the “re-circulate” or “recycle” setting
- Do not smoke, vacuum, fry food, burn candles or do other things that will create indoor air pollution
- If you need to venture outside, make sure to wear a well-fitting, high-quality mask such as an N95, KN95, or KF94. Surgical masks do not provide sufficient protection against wildfire smoke.
- Use an air purifier with a HEPA filter
The Yolo-Solano AQMD is the air pollution control authority for Yolo County and the northeast portion of Solano County including Vacaville, Dixon and Rio Vista. For more information on the Yolo-Solano AQMD, including signing up for air quality alerts, visit www.ysaqmd.org. For more information about the Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District, including signing up for free air quality alerts, visit: www.ysaqmd.enviroflash.org. Connect with the District on Facebook or Twitter at YoloSolanoAir and on Nextdoor at Solano Air Quality Management District.
For a pdf version of this press release, click here.