The Yolo-Solano AQMD Board of Directors recently adopted amendments to our rules governing asbestos testing, surveying and removal. Rule 4.3 sets the fee schedule for our asbestos program and Rule 9.9 sets the regulations on testing, surveying and removal of potential asbestos-containing materials.
For more information on the changes, see our advisory and the adopted rule language.
Breathing airborne asbestos fibers can cause serious health effects, including asbestosis, mesothelioma, and contribute to lung cancer. Asbestos is found in many building materials, including drywall, insulation, tiles, popcorn ceiling treatment and more.
Yolo-Solano AQMD requires asbestos surveys for certain renovation and demolition projects as a part of its public health mission. The District strongly encourages surveys for projects exempt from regulation, as well. Click the links below to learn more about the requirements you need to follow to avoid penalties and protect local health.
For guidance on LNU Lightining Complex debris and demolition cleanup, YSAQMD has developed specific information which is available here.