Information on the District’s current recruitments and other employment information is available at Careers & Compensation.
- Press releases
- Social media: Twitter | Facebook
- Latest edition of Air Aware, our quarterly newsletter
- More information on our News & Outreach programs
Public Hearings
The air districts of the Sacramento Federal Nonattainment Area (SFNA), including Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District, Sacramento Metropolitan AQMD, Placer County APCD, El Dorado County AQMD, and Feather River AQMD are developing a State Implementation Plan (SIP) update to satisfy the Contingency Measure requirements of the Clean Air Act for the 2008 and 2015 8-hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS).
The YSAQMD Board of Directors will hold a public hearing and consider adopting the Proposed Contingency Measures and Reasoned Justification at the October 9, 2024 Board Meeting (9 AM), at 1947 Galileo Court, Suite 103, Davis, CA 95618.
Draft Evaluation for Contingency Measures SIP Revision for 2008 and 2015
Board Meetings
Board meetings are scheduled for the second Wednesday of each month at 9:00 a.m. unless posted otherwise. Meeting materials, including the agenda and supporting documents, are available at least 72 hours before each meeting and can be accessed here.
Committee Meetings
- Personnel Committee
- There are no scheduled committee meetings at this time.
- Budget & Audit Committee
- There are no scheduled committee meetings at this time.
- Solano Clean Air Funds Committee
- There are no scheduled committee meetings at this time.
- Yolo Clean Air Funds Committee
- There are no scheduled committee meetings at this time.
- Technical Review Committee
- There are no scheduled committee meetings at this time.
- Legislative Committee
- There are no scheduled committee meetings at this time.
The air districts of the Sacramento Federal Nonattainment Area (SFNA), including Yolo-Solano Air Quality Management District, Sacramento Metropolitan AQMD, Placer County APCD, El Dorado County AQMD, and Feather River AQMD are developing a State Implementation Plan (SIP) update to satisfy the Contingency Measure requirements of the Clean Air Act for the 2008 and 2015 8-hour Ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS).
There will be a regional workshop held Wednesday September 18th at the Sacramento Metropolitan AQMD office at 777 H Street, Sacramento or on Zoom (
Requests for Proposals/Quotes/Bids
- There are no Requests for Proposals or Quotes at this time.