Stationary Sources

Stationary source permits are required for every business, process, machine or piece of stationary equipment with the potential to emit air pollution. These permits are issued by the Yolo-Solano AQMD to ensure local, state and federal air quality regulations are met and that our clean air is protected.

The District grants two stationary source permits: the Authority to Construct (ATC) permit and the Permit to Operate (PTO).

Authority to Construct (ATC) Permit

The Authority to Construct (ATC) permit is the first air quality permit issued for new facilities, new processes, new equipment or modifications to existing facilities, processes or equipment. The ATC must be applied for and obtained before construction begins to ensure that all District rules and regulations have been considered.

A District engineer performs an emission evaluation based on the information supplied in the permit application and any other equipment or process information made available. Applicants must demonstrate that they can operate in compliance with the District rules and regulations. This permit allows changes to occur during the planning stage, should it be necessary to alter the design to comply with the District’s rules.

When the District engineer is satisfied that the project will comply, an ATC is issued. Once the ATC is issued, the facility may install the equipment and operate it for testing and tuning only. The ATC does not authorize operation in production mode.

Inspection & Temporary Operation

Within 48 hours of completing construction, installation, or modification, the facility signs and returns the Permit Notification Card. This card acts as the PTO application, serves as the indicator that the equipment has been built in accordance with the ATC, indicates that the facility is in compliance with all applicable conditions, and lets the District know that the facility is ready for an initial inspection.

District staff will then schedule an inspection of the facility to ensure proper installation of all equipment. During this period, the ATC and its conditions shall function as a temporary PTO until the final PTO is issued or denied.

Permit to Operate (PTO)

After construction is completed, the source is inspected, and District staff is satisfied that the operating facility complies with all applicable requirements, a PTO will be issued. The PTO contains the conditions that the facility must comply with (including but not limited to throughput limits). This permit must be renewed annually and may be reviewed and modified by the District as needed for new regulations.

How to Apply

To complete an application, please visit our Forms & Applications page. In applying for an ATC you must submit:

  • A completed permit application form and an application fee
  • A completed supplemental form (for common equipment types, if applicable)
  • Detailed information on the operation process and the materials used
  • A detailed facility plot plan showing the location of the proposed equipment relative to the facility.

For application completion assistance, contact us at 530-757-3650.

Permit Fees

Fees are charged to cover the District’s cost for reviewing applications, issuing permits and ensuring compliance. Different fees apply to different types of permits and equipment. These fees are described below and listed in full on our Master Fee Schedule.

Application and Initial Permit Fee

This fee is based on the number and type of equipment proposed, and covers the technical processing of the ATC application and the first year of operation. For complex projects the fees may be increased to cover the actual time spent evaluating the application and issuing the permit.

Permit Renewal Fee

For most businesses, permits are reviewed every year and updated as necessary. A renewal fee is charged based on the number and type of equipment plus the total permitted emissions. This fee covers the permit review, annual inspections, and general stationary source program costs such as rule development and emissions inventory.

Modification and Change of Owner Fees

There are separate fees for permit modifications or change of ownership filings. See our Master Fee Schedule for details.

Throughput Submittal

For every PTO, facilities are required to submit an annual throughput form that identifies the level of production for that permitted process. The District provide these forms electronically and they can be found in the links below. The District uses this information to quantify actual emissions from each of the permitted sources and uses this information in developing the emissions inventory that is reported to the California Air Resources Board by the District.

Applicants who don’t submit the requested information or pay the annual renewal fee will have their PTOs revoked. Operating without a permit is a violation of District rules and state law, and involves serious penalties.

Throughput Submittal Instructions
Access Your Throughput Forms